Wednesday, March 30, 2011

I am so excited to enter the world of blogging. My oldest friend Poppy is a blogger and since she is always one or ten steps ahead of me in the coolness department here I come!!

I am sick to death of Facebook so hopefully this will give me a new outlet. I can't stand to read Facebook to find out that people are at Starbucks or on their way to the dentist..boring! I really need more...

So what to expect from me is lots of my thoughts....and tons of pix of my kiddos!!!

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE it!!!!! A real blog friend!!!! Thank you for taking the plunge in to the bloggesphere; I hope you love it. I can't wait to see all the pics of your wild men! I can't even believe that Jake is a JUNIOR in college! And you get the chance to do it all again. I'm so happy for you and Drew. Many Blessings to you my sweet, sweet friend!!!
