Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Camp Nelson Fun

 We snuck away to Camp Nelson for 4 days and 3 nights. The kids ran and jumped and played the entire trip. They climbed hills and rocks and were covered in dirt and marshmallow.
A wonderful time was had by all!!

 Drew fishing with the kiddos
 My sweet boys.
 The Princess Ally.
 My lovely sis and her fab family.
 Gavey (the wild man)
 Me and My Men!
 The Cousins.
 Our Parker.
Shucking Corn!

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Day of Escape

 Kelsey, Me and Jakey at Point Dume
 Jakey and Super K
 Super K and Me
At the campus sign!

Snuck away with my sweet Jake to his girlfriend Kelsey's school for the day!!
Energized me for days!

Friday, July 8, 2011

4th of July

 Me and My Boys
 Mom watch me swing really high!!
 Ally, Cam, Alex, Zoe, Pook, Gav and Rea
 Gavey dissappeared after this...fireworks not his thing!
Sweet Pooka

This was by far one of the best 4ths in a long time!! Surrounded by family and good friends and tons of delicious food!! Really enjoyed all the kiddos (there were plenty) and spending time with my sis.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Let's Play Catch-Up

Protect The Dream hubby has joined/formed a Rock Band and is working on being signed to a record label....this all started from a silly contest at the Porterville Fair.
Drew is an amazing singer and musician and their demo is out of control!

I am trying not to completely freak out but the same thoughts keep coming back...this is his Dream...he has wanted this since he was a kid...Let's do this!!

Monday, May 30, 2011

Memorial Day 2011

My Sis

My hunny

My precious niece Emily

Auntie with all the girls
Sleeping Gavey

Cram the Man

For as long as I can recall, my family has gone the Sunday before Memorial Day to Exeter Cemetery then Porterville Cemetery to decorate family graves. My Grandpa Darris always insisted on bringing both plastic flowers and potted flowers. He also insisted on Sunday because then everyone would see our family had already been and decorated. Last year when we made the trip Grandpa had just left us a month before and it was very bittersweet without him. This year there were several unexpected obstacles in our way but we made it. I want my boys to understand why we have this tradition in our family and to have stories to tell of cousins and photos taken at "the graves."

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Easter 2011

This pix was a miracle the boys weren't into it!

The boys and the Princess! They were coordinated to her dress this year!

 My sweet boys!
                                                                           Jake and Drew my faves!
                                                                   Jake and Joe                                                        
                                                 Sam, Al, Brea, Pooka, Gavey and Cam
                                                      Cousins waiting for the Egg Hunt!
                                             The Guys....
                                                             The Dickey Fam
                                                  My wonderful family plus cousin Brea
Harness and Dickey kiddos!

Friday, April 8, 2011


Oh Gavin. My baby. My wild man. I rarely have a clue what Gavin is up to. Since the day he was born Gavin Carl Eugene Harness has done exactly what he wanted. He is always "up to" something. He tells stories about things he couldn't have possibly done but wants everyone to play along. He is the first to hug and in the next breath is ready to punch. He wants to do exactly what Cameron does but with his very own twist. Gavey makes everyone laugh. When he finally knocks out after a long day of work, he snuggles into me and I breath in deep his sweet baby-boy smell.